Tuesday, July 20, 2010

From Fat To Fit: Day 2

I neglected to mention yesterday that I don't eat breakfast. I know, I know...I should eat breakfast! I'm just not hungry in the morning when I wake up. Maybe I'll start in a couple weeks once my body has gotten used to the new regimen.

Today around 1pm I had a country salad which included mixed greens, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, purple cabbage, purple onions, and croutons. I learned yesterday that I start getting really sleepy around 3pm and Lexia told me I should eat some fruit or another small snack. Today I chose a Gala apple. It did the job I guess, but tasted a little bland as far as apples go. She's telling me now that I should have put some peanut butter on it for some protein. That's what she said. I washed it down with a bottle of Poland Spring Water.

I used to think that Poland Spring Water was the best tasting water and Lexia was always mad at me for buying water. She set up a blind taste test between Poland Spring and NYC tap water. To my dismay, I chose NYC tap water! I have accepted my fate and now drink only tap water when I'm at home. I still enjoy Poland Spring Water at work though.

I got off work around 7pm and went for a 50 minute bike ride, carrying my bike down and then up 6 flights of stairs! I have a 5 year old Specialized mountain bike. When I got home, I grabbed the laundry and headed for the laundromat 2 blocks away. While waiting for the laundry to finish, I ran across the street and had sushi for dinner. After lugging the laundry back up the stairs, I had a bowl of oatmeal and am now drinking a final glass of water before bed.

Day 2 of no Mountain Dew!

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